#EVE Online #Gaming #Youtube

Sion's Guide to Utlitarian Realpolitik

I recently resubscribed to EVE Online (a Terrible Spacehip Game In Space) and re-joined my old alliance, Goonswarm Federation. Catching up on what’s been going on, I came across this talk by Sion Kumitomo, our chief diplomat. Diplomacy is a hugely important factor in how the GSF ascended to where it is right now and has remained there, even after being almost destroyed. As player presentations go, this is one of the best I’ve seen in a long time. ...

#EVE Online #fullwidth #Games

Sov Changes

Come November, New Eden will be potentially thrown into chaos. I suspect this because the upcoming sovereignty changes will drastically overhaul how territory is held in EVE Online and will make 0.0 much more accessible to the myriad lowsec corporations and alliances with designs on greatness. I, for one, welcome the change, assuming CCP don’t fuck it up and break everything. While it will not eliminate the phenomenon of New Eden’s power blocs holding vast swathes of space: ...

#EVE Online #fullwidth #Games

Cultural Differences

As those of you not living under a digital rock may be aware, BoB is no longer. See: https://myeve.eve-online.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=990381 if you do exist under 10 thousand tons of e-rock. Since then, we have made a beeline (hah, bee joke!) for Delve, understandably, along with the rest of our motley crew of allies (Pandemic Legion, Razor, ZAF, UNL, etc), well-wishers (everyone that hates BoB) and space ninjas (hi TCF!). Since then, we have been steadily gaining ground in systems in Delve. ...

#EVE Online #fullwidth #Games

CSM Downfall

This news may not come as a massive surprise to most people who keep vaguely up-to-date with the goings-on in the world of New Eden. In fact it’s been covered by a few newspapers and magazines and so forth, if rumours are to be believed. I mean, of course, the Council of Stellar Management (CSM) which CCP have introduced as a (somewhat late) response to the outrage that a lot of players expressed at their atrocious handling of the T20 incident – where a CCP developer in Band of Brothers (BoB) spawned and gave his corpmates T2 BPOs. ...

#EVE Online #fullwidth #Games

New to 0.0?

I’ve been reading about, and harshly ending the dreams of, small 0.0 alliances along with the rest of Goonfleet for a while now and a pattern has emerged that has proven true for a lot of them. They claimed to possess power far greater than they actually did and inflated their egos far beyond what is reasonable, acceptable and, frankly, healthy. Case in point: Triumvirate – a 0.0 alliance which has, admittedly existed in the North for a good while, since the D2 wars. ...

#EVE Online #fullwidth #Games

Territorial Policies

Currently the Red Swarm Federation and associated allied entities controls about 1/3rd of 0.0 (at least in terms of space that’s worth anything). Some people like the article in May’s PC Gamer claim that we are now doing what BoB did by installing vassal corps and alliances in our space to hold it, but in truth what we do is vastly different. While BoB charged for their space and expected the rent to be paid promptly or the renting alliance would face expulsion or military action, the Swarm gives out the space freely to allies with no strings attached. ...

#EVE Online #fullwidth #Games

Too many blues

Joy! Another EVE post you cry! Meh. Trinity II is upon us now. For those not in the know (or in the care), Trinity is the new shiny all-singing, all-dancing graphics overhaul that EVE has undergone. It comes in 2 flavours: classic and premium. The difference is that the premium version (which is free, oddly) comes with the aforementioned shiny new things like new ship models, station models and the like as well as the new modular interface (finally). ...

#EVE Online #fullwidth #Games

Clueless Intervention Part I

Yet another blog about that wonderfully detailed and in-depth game, EVE Online which I play on a fairly regular basis. This time it’s less about what I do on the day-to-day basis and the War and so forth. I’d like to take a step back, or out, if you will and talk about CCP‘s intervention in the game. The case in point is that over the last 6 months or so, CCP have implemented a number of changes to the game, some of which have been beneficial, while others have been detrimental. ...

#EVE Online #fullwidth #Games

Misconceptions of failing alliances

This is EVE. A game of incredible depth and limitless possibilities for the good, the evil, the criminally insane and the megalomaniacal. A game where anything goes. Player-created markets Territorial conflict Player-run corporations (corps) and alliances No defined “endgame” Lying, cheating, stealing, scamming all allowed. In the midst of this is a power struggle of titanic proportions. A war the likes of which no online game has ever seen. ...