Printable Magnets

Polymagnet have come up with a way to “print” magnetic fields on a surface of a magnet, with North and South poles and field lines terminating on the same face. This allows, for instance for much greater attachment strength and magnets which can simultaneously repel and attract on the same face. The attraction/repulsion depends on the relative orientation of each magnet relative to its corresponding pair. The applications of this tech are far-reaching enough that they haven’t really worked out what to do with it yet. ...

Questions to ask before giving up

This has been drifting in and out of my various feeds over the past few months and I keep losing it, so here’s a nice concrete link to what is a very valuable self-care resource. Original here:  Are you hydrated? If not, have a glass of water. Have you eaten in the past three hours? If not, get some food — something with protein, not just simple carbs. Perhaps some nuts or hummus? ...

#Encryption #Open Source #Privacy #Tech

Let's Encrypt and HTTP/2

Preamble A while ago, I signed up for Letsencrypt – a free, short-duration, open-source trusted CA service that runs locally on your machine and is aimed at developers and web geeks who want to secure their web apps without either paying through the nose for SSL certs issued by the likes of VeriSign or DigiCert. As a side note, DigiCert are amazing and if you are an enterprise user who needs an incredibly fast, flexible and reasonably-priced certificate provider, you should definitely look into using them. ...