#Flow Arts #fullwidth #Nature #Photo Archives #Photography #Portfolio #Portraits

Photo Archives 1

After ages and ages of playing with my camera, getting some great shots and really enjoying them, I realised that all I did was dump them to my hard drive, edit them and then utterly fail to share any of them! So, in order to remedy that, here are a bunch of cool shots that I took at various stages but have forgotten to reveal, until now It’s great to dig through and find shots you’ve forgotten about! ...

#Design #fullwidth #Music #Photography #Web Design

Tips for creating a portfolio

Here’s a quick cross-post from a forum that I post on about how to design your portfolio site. You’ll have noticed that I will probably liberally ignore any and all of the tips that I lay out here, but still! So without further ado, here goes! I’ve been posting in a few “critique my site” threads of late and since I have time to kill, I thought I’d share my nibbles of information and tips that I have picked up over the years doing the odd spot of web design here and there. ...